Lymphatic Therapy
A gentle, detoxifying bodywork technique to help reduce inflammation and swelling while supporting your body to excrete toxins more efficiently.
Call (307) 752-9190 for a screening evaluation. Once complete, we will be able to book your appointment!
With Brandy Castillo, RN, OCN, CLT
About Lymphatic Therapy
Our lymph system transports a multitude of toxins through approximately 800 lymph nodes in our body. Lymph nodes (clustered in our neck, armpits, arms, chest, abdomen, groin, behind the knees) act like filter stations for fluid - where bacteria or metabolic products and contaminants are intercepted and destroyed. Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) provides gentle activation of the lymphatic tissues to encourage the flow of lymph fluid, thereby supporting your body to more effectively process toxins, promote circulation, reduce swelling, and boost your immune system.
Some Possible Indications
Autoimmune Disorders
Sports injuries
Post-surgical swelling or abdominal bloating
Palliative Care
As with all forms of bodywork, there are some situations where Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) is not recommended or must be modified. Absolute contraindications include kidney failure, heart failure, acute infection/inflammation, fever, active cancer, or thrombosis. Treatment may be modified for other conditions. Please complete a consultation to determine if MLD is right for you.
Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD) Pricing
$105 Members / $130 Non-Members
60 Minute Session
Includes treatment of neck, abdomen, upper and lower extremities.